1. Human Exposure
Human exposure to NMP is widely recognized as occurring predominately through the diet or by inhalation (1, 4, 10, 11, 19, 83, 84). The possibility of human exposure to MP was raised by the observation of MP in seafood, such as mussels, intended for human consumption (85, 86). Other studies have demonstrated the occurrence of MP in food and drinking-water, food packaging and both indoor and outdoor air (1, 83, 87–94). Thus, MP occur in drinking-water, a variety of foods and beverages and air, although insufficient quantitative data are available for a full exposure assessment (95). This section summarizes the data available for assessing human exposure to NMP. A continuing challenge to characterizing and quantifying concentrations is, however, the lack of standard analytical methods for identifying NMP of varying polymer composition, size and shape in foods, beverages and air (2, 3, 11, 59, 60, 96–99). Recommendations for improving sampling and analysis from the previous WHO report (1) are shown in Box 2.